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Glenn Jacobs
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On Sat, 04 Dec 2004 08:43:21 -0500, Darryl L. Pierce wrote:

> Path: be05!!c03.atl99.usenetserver.c om!!!peer01.!!!!!bignews5.bellsouth. net.POSTED!7bcdbb17!not-for-mail
> From: "Darryl L. Pierce" >
> Organization: Just me...
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> Subject: Gravy - A Missplaced Ego Story
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> NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2004 08:40:24 EST
> Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2004 08:43:21 -0500
> Xref:
> Glenn Jacobs wrote:
>> I went to my daughter's house to see new Grand Baby for Thanksgiving. Her
>> Fether in law came over to cook dinner.
>> Thwe turkey way nicely done and out of the oven when he asked if she had
>> any "Gravy Magic?" The answer was no and at this point I offered to make a
>> traditional rue based gravy. No annswer to my offer but he headed off to
>> his house to look for "Gravy Magic." apparently he didn't find it so he
>> headed out to find a store that was open, which he eventually did. So
>> alittle over two hours later, the gravy is ready and we sit down to cold
>> turkey and cold everything else and gravy that really wasn't very good at
>> all. Lesson, don't let your ego get in the way of the meal.

> What a sad waste of time. The best gravies I have ever had have been
> made right after the turkey was finished. I'm especially partial to
> giblet gravies, though I also love adding a simple slurry to thicken
> juices from pot roast.
> At Thanksgiving this year (at my IL's house) I had no input except to
> make the mashed potatoes. Gravy was *just* the juice from the bag in
> which my MIL cooked the turkey.
> Come Christmas dinner, I'll show them *yet again* how a proper turkey is
> cooked. And the gravy.

I usually just make a roux with the turkey drippings and the potatoe water
and maybe add a little chicken bouillon (Knorr)


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