Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> " BOB" > wrote in
> :
>> DJS0302 wrote:
>>> Do non Southerners have a thing against sugar? I've notice in many
>>> cookbooks written by non Southern authors that sugar is used very
>>> sparingly, even in desserts. I remember someone on the Food Network
>>> saying they had never heard of putting sugar in iced tea. I thought
>>> everybody put sugar in iced tea.
>> I think you're either wrong, or just a troll.
>> Everywhere you go in the South, they have sweet tea.
> Yes, they do, but wasn't DJS0302 referring to the "non-South"? I only
> rarely been offered sweet tea in the North.
D'OH! Never post responses before 7 AM (or at least be sure both eyes are open
to actuall read *ALL* of the words).