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PENMART01 wrote:
>> " BOB" writes:
>>> DJS0302 wrote:
>>> Do non Southerners have a thing against sugar? I've notice in many
>>> cookbooks
>>> written by non Southern authors that sugar is used very sparingly, even in
>>> desserts. I remember someone on the Food Network saying they had never
>>> heard
>>> of putting sugar in iced tea. I thought everybody put sugar in iced tea.

>> I think you're either wrong, or just a troll.
>> Everywhere you go in the South, they have sweet tea.

> Perhaps you need to synchronize your reading rate with your speaking speed,
> (at
> southern drawl brain creep)... and without flapping your lips. It's a
> scientific fact; the southern drawl is indicative of southerner "comprehension
> rate".

You must have typed entirely too fast. I can't understand what you're talking

but I have lost most of my southern drawl...just ask my relatives in the