georgette wrote:
> It depends on where you live. In Kansas, if left outside, rosemary dies
> in winter unless it's particularly mild & the plant is very
> well-mulched. Wintering indoors, I found that rosemary does okay so
> long as it's kept well away from forced-air heat ducts. My plants
> winter well in a cool corner of the kitchen, behind french doors facing
> west (indirect light). My kitchen has no heat ducts, & it's the only
> room in the house where they will live in winter. The french doors
> happen to be opened several times a day, & the plants seem to like the
> moister, cool air - so long as they don't sit in freezing air for long
> periods. Just don't let them dry out.
Of course, if it looks like the plant is going to give up the ghost,
then do, by all means, dry them out. Makes better dried rosemary than
any you will find in any store.
I hung one upside down in the garage, and when it looked thoroughly dry,
knocked the needles off into bags and made presents of them to friends.