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Andy > wrote in :

> Thanks to the high winds in the northeast, most everybody lost power
> today. Couldn't do much other than tuna salad. Dinner in the dark.
> Now I remember why electric stoves/ovens suck!

Ah, well, it goes both ways. There was an electricity crisis in my city a
few years back, which disadvantaged those who had electric cooking/hot
water. But then there was a gas crisis not long after, which turned the
tables on the rest of us.

obfood: That was one of my first cooking triumphs. My Mum lent me a
little bench-top electric stove, and I could only close it by slamming the
door, and I'd already bought the ingredients for my first ever attempt at
souffle... But it came out wonderfully well

BTW, I do prefer gas cooking for various reasons, but power outages is one
I hadn't thought of.

Hope the tuna salad is good

nil illegitimi carborundum