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Roofshadow wrote:
> Hi,
> I searched on the web and on Google and couldn't find an answer.
> Yesterday I tried (for the first time) to make soup in my slow cooker...
> it was a disaster.
> I must have filled it too full and cooked it too long... long story
> short it bubbled over and unbeknownst to me went between the crock and
> the heating unit (the outer metal "case" I guess you could say).
> Now the inside of the metal part has burnt-on stuff in it... and I don't
> know how to clean it since I can't immerse it in water... and I'm afraid
> to try using Brillo on it.
> Any suggestions?
> It's a Hamilton Beach Meal Maker Slow Cooker if that's important.
> Thanks in advance for any help you can give!!

If it's steel, you can use oven cleaner on it. If it's aluminum, do not
use oven cleaner cuz it will eat aluminum.

Or you can try brushing it with Dawn dishwashing liquid, thinned with a
little water, and let it soak for a while before you attack it with a
wet nylon scrubbie.
