Subway Never Has Any FOOD
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(Grismalkin) wrote in message >...
> >> I do prefer Quizno's, though. I have never gone to a sub shop to find
> >> that
> >> they are out of bread. Subway's bread is like Wonder Bread to me.
> >
> >Glad to hear your opinion. I have heard many people say they LIKE Subway
> >because the bread is so good. In some cases it is because they never had,
> >in their entire life, a piece of really good bread. I still yearn for the
> >days when I got a good sandwich on a roll baked by Veccione's in Philly.
> >Sometimes the hoagies shop would run out of rolls. It was delivered fresh
> >every day, you never got yesterdays rolls.
> >Ed
> >
> >
> I never lived in Philly so never got a true cheesesteak. If I can ever visit
> there, you know what I will order. What this guy offered seemed real, but I
> wouldn't know for sure.
Got news for long as they are using fresh bread, good meat,
good cheese and well-cooked onions, peppers, etc, and they are
grilling it, you're getting the "real thing". I finally got to Philly
last summer and had a "real" Cheese Steak sandwich. Delicious!!!! But
no different than the better ones I get here in CT. I'm not sure what
I expected to be different, I mean, it's steak, cheese, bread,
onions...what could be different? I think I expected some sort of
epiphany or something, but truth be told, and I don't want to offend
any Philadelphians here, but--the steak sandwich I had in Philadelphia
was just as delicious (not more delicious) as the ones I get here. (I
didn't get cheese whiz, where we went offered cheese whiz, american or
provolone, and I got the provolone)
I think, by now, Philadelphia can claim the invention of the cheese
steak, but you can get the real deal anywhere , if they take the time
to use good ingredients and do it right, meaning on the grill.
Mind you, I'm not talking about Subway's steak and cheese sandwich.
That's not the real deal. Pre-cooked "steak" warmed in the microwave
so the cheese melts? That may be a steak and cheese sandwich, and it's
one of the tastier offerings at Subway, but it's not a "Philly Cheese
And they don't call it that, so they're ok.
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