Scallops give off too much liquid when sauteeing
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Michael Odom
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On Sun, 05 Dec 2004 11:07:21 -0600, Alan
>On 28 Nov 2004 16:22:19 -0800,
>(Robert) wrote:
>>Everytime I saute scallops, I can't get them to brown properly because
>>they secrete too much liquid which creates more of a boiling result
>>than a saute result.
>>All thoughts appreciated and TIA.
>I would never brown scallops! They are so tender and
>subtle that to brown them would make them tough! Bad!
>Poach them and serve them with the gentlest of seasonings.
>Unique and wonderful!
I've seen numerous recipes for pan searing or broiling or grilling
scallops that indicate the point is to get a little caramelization on
the top and bottom while leaving the center rare or just cooked. One
needs to work very fast with a very hot fire or skillet.
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