jmcquown wrote:
> As far as I know K3 never went to
> Sacramento to visit anyone; he was entirely focused on his little boy in
> Maine the last times he posted here.
> I do have to extend grateful thanks for Kendall sending me fiddleheads.
> They don't grow down here and he and his son went out and picked and cleaned
> about 5 pounds of them to cold pack and send to me along with some recipes
> just so I could try them! Granted, I had problems with the post office not
> understanding "perishable". But the fiddleheads were delicious!
> Jill
Through some sleuthing, I found several E-addresses for Kendall. All but one
were returned as un-useable. The other took a couple of days, but I received a
very short reply. Ken thanks "Us" for checking on him. He also says that he
"will be sure to make time to post to RFC."