Thread: White food diet
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In article >,
(Ernie Worster) wrote:

> A few years ago, one of the most attractive young ladies in our office
> got married, and shortly thereafter began to bulge all over.
> Of course we all thought she was pregnant, but she told us it was
> because she and her husband were drinking lots of beer.
> To deal with her problem (don't know where the idea came from) she
> adopted what she called a "white diet", whereby she could eat anything
> she wanted in whatever quantities as long as it was white. (bread,
> potatoes, etc)
> Amazingly enough it worked and she regained her shapely figure and
> kept it for another fifteen years or so. Last time I saw her she still
> had it.
> I can only assume she got sick of white stuff to the point she didn't
> eat much.

Nice troll......


Sprout the MungBean to reply

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