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Rodney Myrvaagnes
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On Sun, 05 Dec 2004 11:07:21 -0600, Alan wrote:

>On 28 Nov 2004 16:22:19 -0800,

>(Robert) wrote:
>>Everytime I saute scallops, I can't get them to brown properly because
>>they secrete too much liquid which creates more of a boiling result
>>than a saute result.
>>All thoughts appreciated and TIA.

>I would never brown scallops! They are so tender and
>subtle that to brown them would make them tough! Bad!
>Poach them and serve them with the gentlest of seasonings.
>Unique and wonderful!

They don't get tough at all. Take dry scallops, which the OP didn't
have. Heat a dry cast iron skillet til really hot. Drop the scallops
on it. They will stick ang get a brown crust in a few seconds. Flip
and do the same again.

The middle will still be barely warm.

This will never work with soaked scallops.

Rodney Myrvaagnes NYC

Let's Put the XXX back in Xmas