> Being in a hurry, they don't thin their eggs with water, but they do
> whip a lot of air into them with a blender. They cook in vegetable
> shortning, essentially a commercial version of Crisco. They use quite
> a bit of it, and a very hot flame. When the eggs go in, they puff up.
> Because the pan is so non-stick, the chef can shake the pan a little
> and the cooked portion will float up on top of the uncooked egg, which
> runs underneath and cooks in turn. Add any toppings such as bacon or
> ham, give it one flip, throw on the cheese and fold it over. It takes
> an incredibly short period of time, and is untouched by human hands or
> spatulas. It's an incredibly fluffy omelet.
Season a 6 or 8 inch cast inron skillet. They are very cheap. heat the
pan on medium
add the oil and away you go. Just like the restaurant. You don't need
a gas burner.
Yoy need a hot pan which means you turn on the burner, pan on top and
then take the eggs from the
fridge to beat, etc. The pan has to be hot enough. Eggs don't know if
they are being cooked
by gas or electricity.