Thread: Aga cookers
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sf wrote:

> In her previous life, I think Blacksalt was "this far" away
> from buying one. She might be able to clue you in. Yes,
> it's gas. but it's fancy gas...

I did come close to it, as I live in a wet climate rather like England,
where no AC is ever needed.
A local place let me try it out, making curries and bread, and it did
very well. If one lives in an Englandish climate (or Scots), and is
going to stay put and cook alot, esp. for large family or lots of
entertaining, I think them a lovely idea. I planned on shutting it off
for the two months a year one can wear shorts in the afternoon.
Google it, under groups, to get all kinds of comments, mostly from
people who haven't ever owned one and think them outrageous.