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In article >,
> On Sat, 4 Dec 2004 18:42:07 -0500, yetanotherBob
> > wrote:
> >In article >, three-
> says...
> >> Is there anyone here doing Atkin's Diet? If so, how do you like it and
> >> has it worked for you?
> >>

> >My wife and I did what amounted to Atkins for two weeks, but we did so
> >as part of the South Beach diet. This Atkins-Lite approach had the
> >desired effect, but two weeks was plenty for both of us. Now we adhere
> >to the much more sensible and sustainable South Beach guidelines, and
> >continue to move toward our weight loss goals.
> >
> >Personally, I would not have considered Atkins by itself. South Beach
> >made a lot more sense to me, and the results have been good, even with
> >more than a few Thanksgiving deviations.

> So, what is the difference in Atkins and South Beach?

They're like night and day, in my opinion. Does that help? Probably
not. So rather than attempt to give you some sort of digest of *my*
understanding of one vs. the other, which would be inherently biased,
I'd recommend that you do your own research and decide for yourself.

There's a lot of information and opinion on both regimens (and other
similar approaches) on the web. Of course, there are the books. There
may be newsgroups devoted to each. I'd say go forth and learn, then do
what seems right for you, if indeed you think you need to do anything at
all. That's what I did. Good luck.
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