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  #190 (permalink)   Report Post  
Nancy Young
Posts: n/a

Dave Smith wrote:

> My pie crust doesn't always turn out as well as my best batches, but even the
> worst has been better than the best store bought. I get enough rave reviews of my
> pastry to keep me at it.

Here's something to consider. I think many of us here don't make
pies very often, if ever. It's rather difficult to become
proficient in something if you might try it maybe once a year.

I'm lucky to live near places that make pie professionally every
day of the year, of course including the crust. I'm pretty happy
with Mrs. Smith rather than making my own pumpkin pie. If I want
quiche, I buy the red box crust. Not everyone is a baker.

Now, if someone talks about buying premade meatballs, we'll be
having a different conversation.
