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Dave Smith
Posts: n/a

Nancy Young wrote:

> I use breadcrumbs, I can't stand bread cubes in my meatballs or
> meatloaf. And, hmmmm ... where are you from that you make little
> meatballs, huh huh huh?

Cubes? What cubes? I soak the bread in milk and then mash it up. As for the size ... I
learned to make meat balls from Italian friends and they made them small. Not tiny.

> I'm certain it's far easier if you have the interest in pie. I don't
> mean that in any rude way whatsoever. I just don't eat pie.

I don't mean to be rude either, but if you aren't used to nice fresh home made pastry I can
understand why you don't like pies :-)

> Only time I drag out the flour is for fried chicken or beef stew or
> chicken piccata, like that. Christmas cookies. (laugh) I have to
> struggle to even reach the flour.
> To me it's so messy.

Who cares about mess. I have a good understanding with my wife. I do the cooking and she
cleans up. I try to keep things tidy enough that I still have counter space to work on. To
tell you the truth, I would rather coo than clean.

> > Meatballs on the other hand, I find to be a tedious chore. There are more ingredients,
> > it takes more time and more work to get them all thoroughly combines, and then you have
> > to form all those little balls. And then they usually need some sort of sauce, more
> > ingredients, more work.

> To a lot of people that's a great day's work. Very relaxing. Chop
> the onion, chop the garlic, get out the oregano, blah blah blah.
> Brown the sausage, make the meatballs.

A day's work? Exactly. Pie dough is a matter of minutes. But I guess if you like the meat
balls better than you like the pie you wouldn't mind spending the time.

> > Useless little gizmo if I ever saw one. Maybe I am doing something wrong, but half of
> > them stuck in one side or the other, and some on both sides, making two half balls.

> Just grab a golfball sized amount, rub it into rounds and plop it
> into the frying pan. But, if you still want to use it, maybe
> spraying the thing with Pam might help? Or rubbing it with oil?

That's the way I used to do them. The meatball gizmo looked like a nice easy way of getting
nice round even sized meatballs without all the extra work. As it turned out, it was just as
much work with the little meatball tool because they turned out so badly that they all had to
be rolled by hand anyway. It would have been easier to use a spoon. One less thing to wash
and one less gadget to find room for. Maybe I can clean it up enough to give it away to
someone for Christmas :-)