Thread: Souffle dish
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Sheryl Rosen
Posts: n/a

in article , Melba's
Jammin' at
wrote on 12/1/04 9:46 AM:

> All this souffle talk has me contemplating making one. For
> straight-sided dishes I have a 1-1/2 quart Corning casserole with a
> 2-1/2" inside height and 7" diameter, and a smaller (one quart probably)
> stoneware thang that has a 2-1/2" inside height and 6" diameter AND is
> not straight-sided -- it comes in just a little bit at the top.
> Would these work?

Go with the straight sided one and use a foil collar.

I watched Julia do this too, many years ago and there's a picture of it in

You take a big piece of heavy duty foil or parchment paper, fold it in 2 or
three so it's twice as tall as your dish. Then you butter and crumb it
heavily (as you do the inside of your mold) and wrap it around the outside
of the dish. Tie it with string around the dish, and I seem to recall Julia
using a straight pin to fasten it in several places.