In article >, Sheryl Rosen
> wrote:
> Go with the straight sided one and use a foil collar.
> I watched Julia do this too, many years ago and there's a picture of
> it in "Mastering..."
> You take a big piece of heavy duty foil or parchment paper, fold it
> in 2 or three so it's twice as tall as your dish. Then you butter and
> crumb it heavily (as you do the inside of your mold) and wrap it
> around the outside of the dish. Tie it with string around the dish,
> and I seem to recall Julia using a straight pin to fasten it in
> several places.
Thanks, Sheryl. I forgot about the collar to be added. Am familiar
with the concept.
-Barb, <> Updated 11-29-04; Sam I Am!
birthday telling; Thanksgiving 2004; Fanfare, Maestro, please.