Thanksgiving bombs
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Cindy, CA
Posts: n/a
(Hazels65) wrote in message >...
> OK, OK, I got a gross one for ya.
> A friend from Canada who now lives in the US makes this; I'm not sure if it's a
> Canadian thing or something else. I find it absolutely dreadful, but her family
> scarfs it up.
> She takes frozen potato hash-browns (the big chunky, uncooked, unbrowned kind),
> adds tons of shredded cheese, seasons with salt, pepper. Then it is lavishly
> topped with (gag), frosted flakes (cereal) mixed with melted butter and baked
> until the potatoes are done and the topping crisp.
> Anyone ever try this?
>My mom makes a similar one but uses plain corn flakes and also adds a
can of condensed (un-reconstitued) cream of chicken soup...a complete
meal all done in one easy to clean casserole plate...its called a "hot
dish"...Lots of variations in midwest/northern states (watch the movie
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