>"BOOB" writes:
>PENMART01 wrote:
>>> Amarantha writes:
>>>> Andy wrote:
>>>> Thanks to the high winds in the northeast, most everybody lost power
>>>> today. Couldn't do much other than tuna salad. Dinner in the dark.
>>>> Now I remember why electric stoves/ovens suck!
>>> Ah, well, it goes both ways. There was an electricity crisis in my city a
>>> few years back, which disadvantaged those who had electric cooking/hot
>>> water. But then there was a gas crisis not long after, which turned the
>>> tables on the rest of us.
>> I never experienced a natural or propane gas crisis in the US... explain.
>Let the propane tank run out? No gas in the car to go get it filled.
>Just a thought.
A thought... um, that's not a gas crisis, that's your NOT thinking.
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."