Marge wrote:
> I consider wasting food to be when I buy meat, put in the fridge, don't
> eat it then throw it away.
I feel badly about that because some animal died for nothing. Still,
it happens. But it is one reason I bought a tilia ... I was tired
of throwing out meat from the freezer because it was freezer burned.
> When I buy an ingredient, use a tsp, never
> use it again and throw the bottle away. When I use half a head of
> lettuce, then it goes bad and I throw it away (no compost pile here,
> sorry).
That's the problem with me for fresh salad, I can only eat so much.
By the time you buy all the ingredients you like in a salad, you have
enough fresh produce for a family of 8. No gots.
> Even when I go to a restaurant, eat 2/3 the food and the rest
> gets tossed, that's waste to my mind.
When I eat out, I almost always order something that will make great
leftovers. I'll never eat it all, but it usually makes lunch for 2
the next day. The only waste is getting that garnish off my plate
before they wrap it up for me.