Thread: The flour Nazi
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Julian Vrieslander
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In article >,
ospam (DJS0302) wrote:

> CJ wrote:

> > I've been called many things over the years, but this tops it.
> > Tonight the SO decided to make some brownies. He asked when he
> > could slice and eat them. My response was, "When they're cooled to
> > room temperature." The conversation deteriorated from the

> Okay, the part I don't get is why was he asking you when he could
> slice and eat the brownies that HE made? I understand why you have
> to wait before cutting them if you don't want them to fall apart but
> if he wanted to go ahead and eat them then I don't see what the
> problem was. Now if you had made the brownies you'd have every right
> to tell him hands off.

OK, the SO feels obligated to respond, since some dear readers may not
know the history.

I tend to defer to CJ's expertise when I do baking, since that's her
specialty. I seldom bake things more complicated than brownie mix, or
basic pies. But we do share the cooking responsibilities in other
areas. And we also do a lot of (mostly good-natured) trash-talking
about each other's kitchen skills and cooking exploits.

So the term "flour Nazi" was not a commentary on her political
inclinations. It was a riff on the "soup Nazi" in the famous Seinfeld
episode about the talented-but-imperious proprietor of a lunch truck.

Julian Vrieslander