"Julia Altshuler" > wrote in message
>A short while ago I was asking about roasting a turkey back for stock. That
>yielded a nice tasting stock and about half a cup of turkey fat. We just
>used some of the turkey fat as the frying oil for potato pancakes.
>Wonderful! I'd never gotten potato pancakes quite right before. They were
>always raw in the middle of a little burnt on the outside. These were
>perfect, a real improvement on butter which never got hot enough without
>burning or oil which which was O.K. but had a slight oily mouth feel. The
>turkey fat got hot and had no off taste or feel. I did nothing special to
>get the fat, just stuck the stock in the fridge and used the inch of fat on
>the top of the container for frying.
> --Lia
Congratulations you've discovered SCHMALTZ!
schmaltz also schmalz ( P ) Pronunciation Key (shmälts)
Excessively sentimental art or music.
Maudlin sentimentality.
Liquid fat, especially chicken fat.
[Yiddish shmalts, animal fat, sentimentality, from Middle High German smalz,
animal fat, from Old High German. See mel-1 in Indo-European Roots.]