Five dollars worth, you didn't feed too many people with that amount. I
have always liked fresh salmon, but what I'm able to buy now out of the
stores is a shame. "Food coloring added" and " Pond Raised" notices all
over it. You didn't say where you were, but if you are eating west coast
salmon it is better tasting then east coast, and both are better than
land-locked salmon. Pond raised salmon is bad compared to all of those. Oh
well, enjoy.
"Michael Odom" > wrote in message
> The local market had fresh enough salmon this afternoon when I shopped
> there for other things. I picked up about five bucks worth.
> Back home I ground two mild dried New Mexico chiles with about an
> equal amount (by volume) pecans and some salt and pepper. I sliced a
> lemon thinly and laid the slices on the bottom of a well oiled baking
> pan. I dolloped a little Bufalo chipotle sauce on each lemon -- about
> 1/2 tsp total, I'd guess. I cut the skin from the salmon fillet and
> checked for bones. None. Odd, but a pleasant discovery, to be sure.
> I laid the salmon on the lemons and piled the chile/pecan mix over it.
> I popped the pan into a hot oven -- 475F I seem to recall. It was
> done in about 15 minutes, using the convection oven roasting function
> I made a sauce of sorts by first zapping three cloves of garlic
> (minced) in some olive oil in the microwave. Gave it three bouts on
> high at 30 seconds a bout. (Not a true mojo de ajo, but I like it.)
> When it was cooled a little, I added the juice of half a lemon, some
> chipotle sauce, and about two tblsps prepared mayo. I had a little of
> the chiles and pecan mix left after crusting the fish, and about 1/3
> tsp of that went in, too. Maybe a little more.
> I thinned about 2 1/2 teaspoons of the mayo with a little water to
> make a salad dressing for a romaine, tomato, avocado, radish salad.
> The rest went on the plate next to slices of the salmon and some
> roasted asparagus. I also had a small red potato on the side, but D's
> South Beach diet kept her to the fish and veggies.
> We ate it up.
> modom
> "Dallas is a rich man with a death wish in his eyes."
> -- Jimmie Dale Gilmore