Thread: Aga cookers
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Ross Reid
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"GrAnnie" > wrote:

>Does anyone know of a newsgroup that talks about Aga-type range cookery?

Some friends of ours who don't have an Internet connection were
thinking of buying an AGA and asked me to do a bit of research.

Here's a review on the AGA Six-Four range from the 2003 Kitchen & Bath

2003 Kitchen & Bath Show Introductions
AGA Shows Competitive Game With a Dual Fuel Six-Four Series
For those who haven't been paying attention, AGA is slowly executing a
strategy which shows their ambitions are not limited by their
technological legacy. The new 39-3/8" 6-4 features 4 independently
controlled electric ovens and 6 non-AGA type gas burners powered
either by natural gas or propane. Includes 20.5K BTU wok double burner
with a simmer setting of 0.650K BTU, and (1) 17K BTU, (2) 11K BTU, and
(2) 6.5K BTU burners. "The Six-Four is designed to appeal to the
audience that aspires to own an AGA for its design and construction,
but who prefer to cook using more traditional methods". Including
none of AGA's legacy technology, and from a company with no reputation
for traditional appliances, this unit, at an MSRP of $7000 is not
targeted at enthusiasts but at braggarts who are likely overwhelmed
making Campbell Soup.

Wow. 7 Grand!!
