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In, PENMART01 > wrote:

> For the price it's no bargain (even at half that price it's no bargain, 'cause
> it's a piece of Crap... got them horrid loving cup ear handles sticking out
> (the only thing All-Crap about it are those fercocktah handles), and at only
> 12" X 15" it's pretty puny for roasting a turkey... and those large diameter
> corners are kinda stupid too, simply makes for so much less volume. Here's a
> better picture of that design abortion:

> A far, far better choice at less than half the price, and more than twice the
> pan (20" X 13") is the Farberware roasting pan... long time proven design makes
> for an extremely ridgid pan, no racking/warping means no accidents.

Sheldon's right. If you are buying a solid stainless roasting pan, then
get one that's properly sized and reasonably priced.

$70 for a small lasagna pan is just silly. And he's right about the
rounded corners.

As far as the handles go, the reason for handles sticking out like that
is to make them cool enough to grasp without using potholders. Given
that your handles will be oven temperature, having them stick out like
that is just silly. All they do is take up space. Other manufacturers
make them stick UP, and not OUT, so they don't waste space.

The whole thing is silly and overpriced. Either get a cheap stainless
roasting pan or a good aluminum one.

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acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought,
by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the
disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
-- Dwight David Eisenhower