Thread: The flour Nazi
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"Cindy Fuller" > wrote in message
> I've been called many things over the years, but this tops it. Tonight
> the SO decided to make some brownies. He asked when he could slice and
> eat them. My response was, "When they're cooled to room temperature."
> The conversation deteriorated from the
> SO How about if I jack up the temperature to 180°? Then they'd be at
> room temp.
> Me You can pay the heating bill in full then.
> SO Who made up the rules about when you can eat brownies?
> Me Betty Crocker. Joy of Cooking. The CEO of Krusteaz (maker of the
> brownie mix he used).
> SO I don't believe it. You're just being a flour Nazi to keep me from
> instant gratification.
> Cindy, flour Nazi
> --
> C.J. Fuller

ROFL...too funny!
Personally, I do cut a "tester" brownie, as soon as it's cool enough to
handle without hospitalization.
