> wrote:
>> "Data" becomes what he forces it by definition to be.
On Mon, 06 Dec 2004 18:06:04 -0500, Dr. Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> Sorry you don't like the data either (shrug).
What he and Zoul don't like is that it does not meet their definition of
data. Fine. If it was research, they couldn't rightly comprehend it anyway.
This puts their agenda, which has nothing to do with research data (since
it is would be info in the hands of babes) true to the light.
They want something that they cannot use for any real purpose so they argue
to get it.
The agenda is to try to find some battlefield that they can stand against
the 2PDiet, and its successes, so they do this with "give us what we have
no clue about" "logic".
It's funny, ridiculous and humorous to watch. As they head, fast as
possible, into a dead end argument.