In article >,
"Bob" > wrote:
> Katra wrote:
> > I'd forgotten about egg nog. I've no CLUE how to make eggnog, so I guess
> > I'll just get a pre-mix and add some rum to it.
> This is my favorite eggnog recipe. I use pasteurized eggs when I can, but
> they're not available locally anymore; I guess I was the only one who bought
> them!
> Baltimore Eggnog
> 12 eggs, separated
> 2 cups superfine sugar
> 1 pint brandy
> 1/2 pint light rum
> 1/2 pint peach brandy
> 3 pints milk
> 1 pint heavy cream
> Nutmeg
> Beat the egg yolks and sugar together until thick. Slowly stir in the
> brandy, rum, peach brandy, milk and cream. Refrigerate until thoroughly
> chilled and pour into a punch bowl. Beat the egg whites until stiff and fold
> gently into the eggnog. Grate a little nutmeg on top and serve in 4-ounce
> punch glasses.
> If it's COLD outside, though, I really prefer Tom & Jerry's:
> Tom and Jerry Punch
> 12 separated eggs
> 12 tablespoons powdered sugar
> 2 teaspoons ground allspice
> 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
> 2 teaspoons ground cloves
> 2 shots brandy
> 4 shots dark rum
> A pot of hot coffee (or hot milk)
> Grated nutmeg
> Beat egg whites to a stiff froth. Separately beat egg yolks until light in
> color, gradually add the powdered sugar and spices. Fold yolk mixture into
> whites. Put mixture into punchbowl, add brandy and rum and stir well. Just
> before serving, pour in the hot liquid, stir well, and sprinkle with grated
> nutmeg.
> Bob
Ooh groovy, thanks!!! :-)
I've never made 'nog so appreciate the recipe!!! :-)
Sprout the MungBean to reply
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