Dave, you're a salt of the earth type person... so tell me -
what IS this hooha about a christmas day BREAKFAST all
about? Sheesh... either you're sleeping off xmas eve or
you're stuck preparing for xmas day dinner - so I've NEVER
heard of anyone getting all sentimental over an xmas day
breakfast before this thread!
On Mon, 06 Dec 2004 11:21:23 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:
> MJ wrote:
> > Does anyone have any good xmas breakfast recipes that they would care to
> > share?..It doesnt matter what kind..im open to suggestions..It is just for
> > my family of 4 so it doesnt have to be in a large quantity.
> > Thanks
> >
> We usually have scrambled eggs, side bacon, peameal bacon and a coffee cake
> made with the recipe in the children's version of the Better Homes and Gardens
> cook book. My son loves that coffee cake and thought that it wasn't Christmas
> the year we didn't have it.
> One thing we do not have is a Champagne breakfast. We did that one year. I
> don't know why we ever though Champagne would go with scrambled eggs.
Practice safe eating - always use condiments