In article >, Wayne Boatwright
> wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' > wrote in news:thisisbogus-
> :
> > In article >, CJB >
> > wrote:
> >> mashed sweet potatoes, and I made and delivered:
> >>
> >>Rigatoni with Pork
> >
> >> It was all delicious and way too much food. 
> >> -Claudia
> >
> > It sounds wonderful, Claudia. How do you do rigatoni with pork?
> > Did you try the wild rice yet? I cooked a pound of it for our
> > dinner-for-10 and it was gone by Friday afternoon. I didn't embellish
> > it with anything besides butter.
> Does that mean you cooked the wild rice in plain water? I've always used
> broth, so I probably don't know what plain wild rice tastes like. LOL
Nah, it means that I don't add anything other than butter and s&p to it
after it's cooked -- like green onion, toasted almonds, sauteed
mushrooms or other miscellany -- in seasoned liquid. I use a lot of
liquid, boil it hard, and drain it
-Barb, <> Updated 11-29-04; Sam I Am!
birthday telling; Thanksgiving 2004; Fanfare, Maestro, please.
"Are we going to measure or are we going to cook?" -Food writer
Mimi Sheraton