"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> Kate Connally > wrote in
> :
> > DJS0302 wrote:
> >>
> >> Do non Southerners have a thing against sugar? I've notice in many
> >> cookbooks written by non Southern authors that sugar is used very
> >> sparingly, even in desserts. I remember someone on the Food Network
> >> saying they had never heard of putting sugar in iced tea. I thought
> >> everybody put sugar in iced tea.
> >
> > Well, no, we don't have a thing against sugar. However,
> > we use it in a different way (at least I do). I never
> > put sugar in iced tea (blecch!) However I do put sugar
> > in my corn muffins, cornbread, or hush puppies. I like
> > them a little sweet. (Yeah, I can hear all the Southerners
> > going "Blecch!" right now!) Y'all do it *bass-ackwars*!
> > ;-)
> Heresy!
Not really. While sugar in cornbread, hushpuppies, etc. is not the norm in
the south, there are plenty of authentic recipes that use it.
Peter Aitken
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