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Dan Goodman
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On Tue, 7 Dec 2004 02:05:20 -0500, Saerah wrote:

> jmcquown wrote in message >.. .
>>Saerah wrote:
>>> Susan wrote in message
>>>> Two suggestions: "How to Cook Everything" by Mark Bittman.
>>>> Or buy a children's cookbook; they have lots of info about basic
>>>> kitchen tools/utensils, how to use them, how to measure, etc...

The simplest cookbooks I've seen -- noticeably simpler than children's
cookbooks -- are aimed at college students. That is, ones who have never
cooked before. If you want something really, really basic, look at those.

On the other hand, children's cookbooks have better pictures.

Rule of thumb: Books for adults who have to learn in a hurry are simpler
than books for children.

"Who have to learn in a hurry" includes: WW II naval officers whose
training had been somewhat rushed. One such book doesn't _quite_ begin by
explaining what an ocean is or the differences between a ship and a rubber
duckie, but it's very basic. Teachers who've just been told "I know you
were hired to teach English, but we need someone to teach the advanced math

Note: I learned to cook by asking my mother for hamburgers at breakfast.
She said sure -- as long as I cooked them.

Dan Goodman
Predictions and Politics
All political parties die at last of swallowing their own lies.
John Arbuthnot (1667-1735), Scottish writer, physician.