Thread: xmas breakfast
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Dave Smith
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Marge wrote:

> I make pancakes from scratch every sat, and will make the waffles from
> scratch. saying "from scratch" sure makes it sound fancy and
> difficult, ha. I started doing it after the new bisquick came out, and
> the flavor just didn't seem right to me. basically, they're only a few
> ingredients whisked together. we keep fresh blueberries in the summer
> and used frozen the rest of the year. I happen to have grabbed a
> couple of extra bags of fresh cranberries this year, so maybe I'll use
> those instead.

Hmmmm .... I am not sure about cranberries in pancakes, but it could be
interesting. Since you are one of the few of us who bothers to make
pancakes and wafffles from scratch, I hope that you have tried buttermilk
pancakes. They are far better than those made with plain milk.

> We've always opened our presents on Christmas morning (as opposed to
> some who open them Xmas eve), so a nice breakfast makes the morning
> more fun.

It makes it more of a gathering and special celebration than the self
indulgent present grab (IMO).

> I understand about not wanting the waste the champagne on mimosas, but
> I do like mimosas. We had a Mumms for Thanksgiving (straight up),
> really enjoyed that.

MMMM, gotta love that Mumms. I used to try to convince myself that the
cheaper champagne type sparkling wines were a viable substitute for the
French stuff. It appeased my pocket book. After a few bottles of the real
thing I have to say that I just can't stomach the cheap stuff. It's just
not the same. During my last trip to Europe we were in the Champagne region
and toured a champagne winery. The sampling tour was quite reasonable, but
the prices over there aren't any cheaper than they are here for the good