Thread: moving up
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Tony P.
Posts: n/a

In article >, says...
> "Tony P." wrote:
> > Once the cat is bound, hold in one crooked arm, use hand at end of said
> > arm to gently pinch right near the jawbone attachment point. Mouth
> > opens, use other hand to insert pill, blow on nose, bye bye pill.
> > Release cat.

> Get dirty look. Say Tough on you.

The last time I had to give medication to a cat was when my eldest male
cat had a couple of teeth extracted. The reason they rotted is because
dumbass doesn't chew his food, he swallows it whole.

The vet explained that house cats really don't need their teeth, and
that the kibble is designed to be swallowed whole.

Anyhow I had to give him clindamycin drops - that was fun. Used the same
process as for a pill. This went on for a couple of weeks and it took a
long time for him to trust me again.

This is that same cat that when he was a kitten had ear mites and
ringworm. That's when I learned how to administer drugs to a cat.