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  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Hey Charlie, thanks for your kind note. How about let's pile on Peter
Aitken? I'm not only a nice person, I'm battling breast cancer and am
home all day resting from ongoing chemotherapy. Too much time on my
hands, shouldn't get out much while my immune system is suppressed, so
I review a book from the library on Lucky for me I didn't feel
offended by Mr. Aitken's off-the-wall post - he might as well have
accused me of being a green martian from outer space.

For those of you who might be upset to hear about my health issue this
way, my apologies, and please don't fret about me. My surgery went
great, I am tolerating chemo pretty well (although the kale soup was
just a little too intense for my stomach tonight), and my prognosis is
excellent. I haven't bothered to share about it in the newsgroups
because it didn't seem necessary. I have plenty of loving supportive
friends and family and don't really need the attention. But I can't
resist piling on to the misguided Mr. Aitken. He may not give a damn
(or believe my story) but if he does, perhaps he'll think twice before
sniping at people.

Believe me, I too have posted first and regretted later, so I'm not
saying Mr. Aitken is a monster. There but for the grace of Whomever go

And Peter, have a lovely day. I am!

Ob Alison Chaiken made an incredible chile verde for us one
night soon after my diagnosis and drove from Fremont to Oakland, after
work, to deliver it. I was out gallivanting - just because you're
diagnosed with cancer doesn't mean you quit living your life - but we
sure did appreciate that pork. MMMMM. Check her website for the recipe.
