Leila wrote:
> Gosh, what is the problem with reviewing this book? I have never met
> Ms. Higuera, am not connected with her, her publisher, the SF Chron
> where she also contributes, or anybody else remotely to do with her.
Peter forgot his AFDB.
He thinks everybody is out to get him.
> I know that new kinds of ad agencies are using regular folks to spread
> buzz in just the way I did - bringing sausages to a party, buying a
> particular beer at a bar and talking it up - you'll just have to take
> my word for it that I am not one of those. I'm just a regular
> contributor to ba.food who thought this book would be of interest to
> people in the Bay area. The comments about places in the South Bay and
> food culture seem on topic.
Maybe your posts aren't the controversial ones, and Peter has never read one of
them. Maybe he's just an old grouch?
> Amazon reveals that there is a 2003 edition in print, same publisher,
> with a new cover. No, I don't have anything to do with any of it. I
> have some accumulated store credit at an East Bay independent new &
> resale bookstore with 3 outlets (don't dare mention the name for fear
> of offending the irritable Mr. Aitken - a hint is a flying horse) and
> I'll look for it there.
> Leila
Ignore him. He even admits that he's full of crap (read his signature).