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Wayne Boatwright
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(Glor) wrote in news:20764-41B6EF35-75@storefull-

> I'm a long time lurker to this group and just wanted to thank all of you
> for sharing your Christmas Eve traditions.
> They brought back a lot of memories from my childhood. I was brought up
> in a traditional Italian family and we did have the seven meatless meals
> on Christmas Eve. We would have my mom's brother and dad's sisters came
> over. A lot of family and lots of food. That all ended the year when
> both my oldest brother and my uncle passed away within a few months of
> each other. After that, everyone went their separate ways. The young
> ones got married and went to their "new" families, who didn't have the
> same ways and traditions with extended families.
> Since moving out on my own and when I don't work on Christmas Eve, I try
> to have the same meal every year. Perogies, kielbasa and California
> medley...For some reason, that is what I had the first Christmas Eve on
> my own and have had it almost every Christmas Eve ever since.
> Again thank you for sharing your memories, I've really enjoyed reading
> them!
> Merry Christmas and the best in the New Year to all!!!!
> Glor

And thank you for sharing yours! Merry Christmas!

Wayne in Phoenix

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*A mind is a terrible thing to lose.