Thread: moving up
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Dave Smith
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jmcquown wrote:

> Who was ever killed by a cat giving a dirty look? The blow (gently) on the
> nose thing really does work! And if you have to use a towel to bind up
> kicking claws, okay

I guess it depends on the cat. I have known some pretty tough cats over the
years. I have a friend who had a tom cat on their farm who was huge. My
friend's mother adored that cat, and he loved her. Most other people were
terrified of it. I once almost lost a finger giving it a piece of meat. I have
known lots of dogs that tended to snap at food that was present by hand, but I
wasn't prepared for the speed of his snap. Nor was I expecting a double pawed
swat with the claws. A dirty look from him was a stern warning, and you would
have been well advised to heed the warning. If you tried to bind his feet with
a towel you'd soon be using it to staunch the flow of your blood. :-)