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Dave Smith
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"A.C." wrote:

> I don't do atkins. I do the really strange and not too much used method of
> eating moderately and getting exercise. I think low carb is a necessity for
> people with blood sugar problems. otherwise, people would benefit from
> moderation and exercise.

Count yourself lucky that it works for you. I have always had trouble keeping
my weight down. I have always been pretty active and am not a big eater. My
oldest brother was always very lean, never very active, and he ate like a
horse. My neighbour is skinny. He makes Peewee Herman look like Arnold
Schwarznegger, and I am amazed at how much food he packs away. His wife cooks
fabulous Italian dinners. I don't know where he put five the big pieces of her
lasagna as well as two or three servings of everything else, and he still had
room for seconds of desert. You know it's just not fair.