What do you find is the best meat to barbecue ?
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Peter Aitken
Posts: n/a
"Bubbabob" > wrote in message
. 3.30...
> > Out of these main 5 meat varieties available (beef, chicken, fish,
> > pork, buffalo), which do you reckon are the two best ones to
> > cook on a barbecue (or the 2 that are your favorite to cook that way)
> > and please explain why, for each one.
> >
> >
> You can grill fish and grill or smoke roast chicken but you can't really
> barbecue either of them. Real barbecue is made from pork shoulder (beef
> brisket if you're a Texan and can't get good pork <g>). Keep the
> temperature of the pit below 250F and cook it until the internal temp
> hits 195F. Low and slow. Only wood or charcoal + wood work. Gas or
> electricity produce 'faux 'cue'. Buffalo brisket is OK but it's too lean
> and will need an additional fat cap. Bacon over the top works as does
> barding with lard or some other fat.
> Barbecue is a style of preparation and the results of that preparation,
> not a device.
Oh give it a rest <g>! Surely you must know that the word "barbecue" is used
in different ways in different parts of the country. There are few things
more tedious than to hear someone going on about what barbecue "really"
Peter Aitken
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