Anyone here doing Atkins?
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Petra Hildebrandt
Posts: n/a
nospam? couldn't you afford some kind of name, at least a nickname?
> Why would anyone go on Atkins? You'd have to be a complete idiot.
[ ] You know _exactly_ what you are talking about.
>Are you too
> stupid to figure out by yourself that all you need to do is stop
> eating like a pig
are you too stupid to figure out that if counting calories and going no-fat
worked there would be no obese people in the US?
> and get some exercise.
fine advice. What do you do for exercise? Trolling?
> A good head shrink will do you more good than Atkins, because they can
> help you overcome your addiction to food, if you dont have any self
> control.
you must know a lot about that.
Petra. feeding trolls (sorry)
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