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>"Rick & Cyndi"
>>"Peter Aitken" wrote:
>>I want to order some great fruit for xmas. I'd like to get citrus and
>> possible pears, and am more interested in best taste and less interested
>> in
>> really pretty looking but not-so-tasty fruit (e.g. Harry and David). Cost
>> is
>> not an object (OK, not MUCH of an object!). Any recs will be greatly
>> appreciated!

>I have had great luck/success/products from Harry & David but I do find them
>quite pricey.
>For the last two years though, we have been ordering citrus from :
>Poinsettia Groves in Florida:

At $22/5lbs citus +shipping they are just as pricey as Harry and David. I'm
sorry but I'm not going to choose to pay $2.50 for one steenkin' orange... just
last week I bought a 5lb bag of navels for $3.99 at the local stupidmarket,
every one a juicy beauty.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."