Sheryl Rosen wrote:
> in article , Roofshadow at
> wrote on 12/2/04 3:49 PM:
>>I searched on the web and on Google and couldn't find an answer.
>>Yesterday I tried (for the first time) to make soup in my slow cooker...
>>it was a disaster.
>>I must have filled it too full and cooked it too long... long story
>>short it bubbled over and unbeknownst to me went between the crock and
>>the heating unit (the outer metal "case" I guess you could say).
>>Now the inside of the metal part has burnt-on stuff in it... and I don't
>>know how to clean it since I can't immerse it in water... and I'm afraid
>>to try using Brillo on it.
>>Any suggestions?
>>It's a Hamilton Beach Meal Maker Slow Cooker if that's important.
>>Thanks in advance for any help you can give!!
> I have a Hamilton Beach slow cooker...that's happened to me.
Thanks - now I don't feel quite as stoooopid, LOL.
> You can't immerse it, because the plastic base is not water proof and water
> would get into the heating element itself. But you certainly can put some
> hot soapy water in there and let it soak. Then wipe it out with paper towels
> and rinse by swishing some clear water inside.
> Does yours have a hole in the bottom? Mine does.
Just went downstairs and looked - mine has two bolts and THEY have holes
in them.
What I have done is stuff
> the hole with aluminum foil, then sprinkle some baking soda in the bottom,
> over the stain. Then, add boiling hot water (the heat will soften the
> grease) and let it sit for 15 min or so. The baking soda and the heat will
> react with the grease and loosen it enough that it will come up easier with
> some scrubbing action. Use a scotchbrite or similar scrubbing sponge to go
> at it after it sits.
I'll try that if the Dawn suggestion doesn't work... or maybe I'll try
Dawn and hot water.
I'm going to Target tonight to get some Dawn and a nylon scrubber.