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Jarkat2002 wrote:
>>I searched on the web and on Google and couldn't find an answer.
>>Yesterday I tried (for the first time) to make soup in my slow cooker...
>>it was a disaster.
>>I must have filled it too full and cooked it too long... long story
>>short it bubbled over and unbeknownst to me went between the crock and
>>the heating unit (the outer metal "case" I guess you could say).
>>Now the inside of the metal part has burnt-on stuff in it... and I don't
>>know how to clean it since I can't immerse it in water... and I'm afraid
>>to try using Brillo on it.
>>Any suggestions?
>>It's a Hamilton Beach Meal Maker Slow Cooker if that's important.
>>Thanks in advance for any help you can give!!

> I did the same thing. I used my steemer to get rid of the burned on food.
> Worked very well, however I had to clean it 2X.

Wow... that's a good idea.

I have a vegetable steamer - should I invert the cooker over the steamer
and let it steam that way?

Thanks for the suggestion!