"Franfogel" > wrote in message
> I was traveling about a month ago and caught a program on HGTV about a
> housewares show. One of the new products was a dome shaped cake pan with
> insert that forces the batter to form the dome while it's baking. Has
> seen this in a store? It would be terrific for Baked Alaska. I went to
> HGTV website, but this pan was not in its web store. I'd love to buy one.
> Thanks.
There was a thread over at rec.food.baking about what people had on the
shelf that they never used. Specialty cake pans were high on the list. I
guess if you have lots of shelf space or make Baked Alaska more that once a
decade, then get the pan and let us know how it works. I think I saw
something similar on HSN.com I was given a cake pan that lets you bake a
cake with a cavity in it to hold fillings. I used it twice and the cake
stuck to it hopelessly both times. The pan was expensive and most likely
sold on QVC as the person who gave it to me is addicted to home shopping.
Considering how many people reported that they had unwanted novelty pans,
you might find one at Ebay or in a thrift store.