Home-Delivered Dinner Survey (for school)
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Dave Smith
Posts: n/a
> If you saw my post from earlier today, unless he's working in a
> kitchen sanctioned by the health dept., and is selling his meals from
> his own (uninspected?) kitchen, he is indeed in violation of most
> Health Dept. Codes in most states. Note I said "most." I don't know
> where you live. If he owned a restaurant, it's slightly suprising to
> me he doesn't know this. But it's also possibly comforting he keeps a
> clean kitchen and knows enough about ServSafe and sanitation not to
> poison people. All in all...he's breaking the law.
The fact that he is operating out of a house in a residential
neighbourhood and not charging tax on the meals tells me the whole thing
is completely under the table. But his food is so good, and such a good
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