sf wrote:
> On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 22:49:35 -0800, JimLane
> > wrote:
>> What I find interesting is that your email does not come from any
>> educational or academic address, but a personal address.
>> Are you trying to hide a business concept you have professionally under
>> an educational guise?
>> I would be more inclined to believe you were your address at a dot edu.
> I've been a student and I'm a teacher now, yet I've NEVER
> EVER used a district or school address. I know you must be
> shocked, but it can be done.
> sf
> Practice safe eating - always use condiments
Hardly shocked. I understand that it can be done. It is about some
credibility, coupled with the very commercial nature of this survey.
Do you honestly think it is from a student? I don't.