Milkshake question
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Andrew H. Carter
Posts: n/a
On 10 Dec 2004 12:02:54 -0800,
scribbled some thoughts:
>Hi all.I'm in the UK and since trying to lose some weight have
>given up on drinks containing sugar, and go for diet versions
>instead.However one can only drink so many sugar-free soft-drinks
>before you want to try something different.By this i mean milk-shales
>which are sugar free and contain some kind artifical sweetener.The only
>ones I can seem to find in the supermakrkets are the slimfast ones,
>however they contain about
>1000 kj, which I think is too much for a drink.I think they are meant
>for meal-replacement, whereas I'm looking for just a drink.
>So does anyone know of any kind of shakes which can be bought on the
>net,or in shops?
>Thanks for reading this post and bye.
Get a blender, throw in some peeled bananas, add some orange
juice and blend it till it's liquified. Voila! you have a
smoothy rich in potassium and vitamin C.
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