I am willing to bet that u have been inundated with post from moms,
grandmas, not to mention ladies looking to change you status as a
bachelor. LOL.
To ease your mind, I am one of the Grandmas. You can never go wrong
with keeping chilie powder, Garlic powder, onion powder,cumin,basil
terraggon, sage,rosemary,oregano,cinnimon,nutmeg,cream of tarter,and of
course the old stand bys salt,pepper, sugar, baking soda, baking powder,
flour, corn meal and corn starch. Always keep a supply of tomatoe sauce,
diced tomatoes ,beef and chicken broth,diced tomatoes w/green
chillies,cream of chicken soup,cream of mushroom soup. That should give
u a good start. Your fresh veggies should be purchased as needed, as
they do not keep well without extra preparations.
If you have a VCR, tape or have sone one tape Rachel Ray week days at
noon and Paula Dean at 3:00 daily.Get a good simple cookbook .
As I have gotten older, I have wised up and learned good shortcuts.(so
much for Not teaching the old dog new tricks)
Your G. Store has Good assortment of quick fixes such as Country Gravy
Turkey,chicken &beef gravy in a jar, they are actually pretty darn good.
Ragu Spergetti sauce and Bushes chilli fix'ens
in a can.not to be confused with their new homemade chilli u might want
to pass on that one.Don't buy canned biscuits, because unless u have
company,they go to waste.Instead, Pilsbury and Rhodes sell frozen ones
18 to the pkg. and u can cook however many u need. They are good.
Pilsbury maes a frozen pie crust
as good as any grandma can make.Just follow the directions on the
box.One thing they don't tell is if you are making a pie (say like
chocolate that just calls for ne crust) After you nput it in the pie pan
set the uncooked crust back in the fridge for 10 or 15 mins. then put it
in your preheated oven till lightly browned. This will keep it from
shrinking and getting all out of shape.Watch close so as not to burn.
Should take 10 to 12 mins.Cool compeletly.Take one large box and one
smal box of Jello Instant pudding mix any flavor and mix according to
pie direction(on end of box)When thourily mixed pour into cooled pie
shell and refridgeate for a couple of hrs. Top with cool whip. Pie fit
for a king!
Invest $10.00 ina little hand mixer at WalMart.
Grandma D
This is a day the Lord has made,lets rejoice and be glad in it.